Book of Shang
Book Details
About the Book
The Book Of Shang has something for almost everyone. Horrific action and violence, compassion, emotions, love, sympathy, innocence, sensuality and thrills galore. It will make YOU cheer, it will tick YOU off, it will scare YOU, it will make YOU cry! It will touch YOU!
This story started manifesting itself in 1998. Having seen a picture of a "crystal dragon" sculpture in a magazine, from that moment, the story just presented itself to me. It was as if the picture was the conduit to get the story written.
Being a believer of dragons, after all, almost every civilization on Earth had a version of a dragon before each even knew the other cultures existed, I figured, "why not tell a story of two of their kind that were manipulated by mankind to do the terrible things that humans would like to do to each other. Oh, as Beverly, one of the most incredible people I have ever met, told me, "the dragons are still here, we just can't see them right now".
I must say, "Shang and Iyce are very good at doing the worse that mankind can imagine". They are the epitome of humanities dark side.
About the Author
My credentials as an author are quite simple. "I have lived life to the fullest, I have remembered, I am educated and experienced, and, most of all, I have an OPYN MIND! What more do YOU need to be an author? A little imagination with a dose of reality goes a long way.
One more positive thing that supports my credentials as an author is, "I had the good sense to have my very talented niece, Candy Poblador, do the art work for our books".