Resurrection of a Nation

Solving the Energy, Financial, & Political Crisis in America

by Kris Axhoj & John P. Walker



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 5/18/2010

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : E-Book
Page Count : 108
ISBN : 9781452023540
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 108
ISBN : 9781452023526
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 108
ISBN : 9781452023533

About the Book

The goal of this book is to move our government, by educating America, to a place of responsible energy solutions which will produce financial and national security.  It will provide a grass root opportunity for constituents to demand results from elected servants based on facts --not opinions.  These facts are derived from the EIA, DOE, USGS, IPPA, NDGS, and other reputable scientific agencies, not environmental or political opinions.


America is facing serious issues concerning its energy and political policies.  We, as a people, have to act now to avoid further degradation of our country's future due to special interest groups and political maneuvering that is leaving our nation crippled.  It is time the truth is explored and for the masses of Americans to make intelligent decisions as to which strategic path to follow concerning its energy policies, economy, and political infrastructure.


This book will be informative and should create a call to action for those who are interested in correcting our Nations energy and financial course.

About the Author

John Walker is a concerned citizen.  He has been in business for 22 years following a successful high school coaching and teaching career.  After asking many experts and Congress people why the crisis facing America was not being solved, John spent three years investigating the roadblocks, in and outside the government, to America’s recovery.  These discoveries spawned common sense solutions to help America.  With encouragement from his colleagues, these ideas evolved into this book.  John believes that men can only apply knowledge to successful problem solving when it is accompanied by God’s wisdom.  His hope is that you will find wisdom as you read these pages.  John has been married to Valicia for 22 years and has 2 great kids, Megan and Logan.


Kris Axhoj is also a concerned citizen.  He earned an Industrial Engineering degree and spent 15 years as a systems and management consultant in corporate America.  Eleven years ago Kris and his wife, Rhonda, started a construction company and have experienced the positives and negatives of operating a small business in America.  Kris has studied and experimented with many types of building techniques and understands first hand the Green Movement and sustainable principles.  Kris is also passionate about history and political theory.  His hope is that readers will digest the information presented in this book and be motivated enough to take action resulting in a better country for our children.  Kris has been married to Rhonda for 20 years and they have 3 wonderful children: Joshua, Tucker, and Jane.