Deciphering Lao Tzu Tao Te Chin 解密老子道德经
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About the Book
Tao Te Chin is a world famous classic Chinese philosophy scripture written by Lao Tzu about 2500 years ago. Due the fact that Lao Tzu’s metaphysical insight of the world and his way of thinking was way ahead of his time, there has been tremendous misunderstanding in various versions of interpretation and translation of Tao Te Chin in the past 2500 years or so. With the help of post modern advances of human civilization, especially advances in natural science and in understanding of the functionality of human language, the author provides a thorough decipher of this ancient eastern philosophy scripture in this book. 传世奇书《道德经》由于作者老子在著书时代有着许多超前的洞见与思维,在过去2500来年里虽经历代菁英文豪的注解,却仍存在着很多的误解。很多作注的人由于忽视了老子的强烈的自然主义色彩和《道德经》内在的逻辑结构,而把《道德经》的不同的章句作为离散的说教来进行解译,乃至对后来的读者造成很大的误导,使得《道德经》所蕴含的许多深奥的哲理至今对多数读者来说仍是一个谜。本书作者结合着后现代时期的人类文明所赋予的对自然与社会内在逻辑的全新认识,本着尊重原文的自然主义风格与基本结构尽量避免人为的引申与发挥的原则,对《道德经》这部历经2500来年沧桑受到不同民族文化背景的读者的广泛爱戴的哲学巨著进行了全面的解密,希望能帮助世界各地的读者更好地了解把握《道德经》。
About the Author
Rongqing Dai was born in Beijing and received his Bachelor and Master degrees from the Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics and the University of Science and Technology of China. After his first graduate study, he worked at the Chinese Academy of Sciences for a few years and then immigrated to Canada, where in 1994 he received his PhD in Engineering from McGill University. During the past 10 years, he has lived in the east coast of the Unite States. Rongqing has had great passion for philosophical thinking since he was a teen. Starting from the year of 2006 he wrote a couple hundred philosophical articles in his English and Chinese blogs. Prior to this book, he published Fair Life in Chinese.