The Last Matriarch

by Kisma K. Stepanich-Reidling



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/8/2004

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 292
ISBN : 9781418416539
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : E-Book
Page Count : 292
ISBN : 9781418416522

About the Book

In this gripping new novel, interspersed with authentic ancient earth rituals and magic, Stepanich-Reidling takes us on an adventure into Land Bann, where priestesses communicate through the art of sounding and the land has been ruled by a succession of Matriarchs. When Lord Mahnet and his men arrive on the shore of Land Bann, life is threatened. When learning of Mahnet’s secret mission -- to enforce a male god upon the people -- Captain Garthe creates anarchy and he and his faction form an alliance with the kinfolk. When the kinfolk learn of the invaders, Priestess Muiranda, the next Matriarch twists fate by desperately seeking help from the Ancient Ones and evoking the dark side of Goddess. Garthe and Muiranda join forces and lead their people into battle against Lord Mahnet, but the damage wrought by Muiranda’s meddling in the supernatural creates chaos. The Ancient Ones withdraw from the world, taking with them the magic of the land. Murder, rape and moral battles ensue. Only Muiranda and Garthe can bring a balance to the land, but Muiranda is lost to the Dark One. Garthe must find a way to reach her before it’s too late.

About the Author

Kisma K. Stepanich-Reidling is the author of the popular new Faery Chronicles novel series, including Faery With Teeth. She has written numerous books on the Faery-Faith tradition, women spirituality and Earth awareness, including An Act of Woman Power (Whitford Press), Faery Wicca Tarot (Llewellyn) and Faery-Faith Traditional Wisdom, Codex 1 (AuthorHouse). She lives in Southern California with her husband and son. Together, they conduct annual sacred pilgrimages to Ireland. Visit her website at