The Slab

by Tanya Baker



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 2/1/2018

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 192
ISBN : 9781546225430
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 192
ISBN : 9781546225423
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 192
ISBN : 9781546225447

About the Book

The slab was the name that she had given the table where she did her autopsies. It had become the place where she would be forced to deal with the pains of her past. And when the child she leaves in the woods for dead is brought to her slab, at that moment, Tonya will face the pain of her present. Or will the pain be so overwhelming that, Tonya runs back to her God? Or will darkness cover her? Then while consumed in that darkness. Will Tonya fall  deeper and deeper in her own pain and end up on her own Slab?


About the Author

As a motivational speaker, celebrity & spiritual life coach to the stars, author and  co-pastor of The Incredible Church located in Dallas, Texas. Pastor Tanya Baker has a heart for the people of God and she uses her coaching skills to steer people toward positive living. Working through social media, books, and the preached word, Pastor Baker is a highly sought-after motivational speaker and power-packed orator of the Word of God. As a business leader, she fortified her skills in team leadership, motivation, and coaching. She is technically astute in telephony systems technology and maintains a consultative coaching style based on extensive interviewing and hiring experience. She is also the former CEO of Agape Financial services, which built and funded church projects all over the country. She is a corporate coach and a sought-after preacher’s coach. Pastor Baker earned a degree in interdisciplinary studies with an emphasis on psychology from the University of Texas Arlington and a BA in theology at DBU in Dallas, with additional studies at Tarrant County Community College (major in psychology), Cedar Valley College (certification in real estate), San Diego's Concorde Career Institute’s medical assistant certificate program, and Milwaukee Area Technical College’s business administration BA program. She serves as a volunteer at FOCUS services for the family and Snatch a organization she created for girls affected by the sex trafficking industry. Pastor Tanya Baker is connected via social media: 
• Facebook: 
• Instagram: @pastortanyabaker 
• Twitter: @pastortanyabake 
• YouTube: Pastor Tanya Baker 
• Soundcloud: @pastortanyabaker 
• Website: