Black Silver, Red Gold

The Dark Forest

by Mark Stevens



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 2/25/2009

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 244
ISBN : 9781434365668

About the Book

Black Silver, Red Gold: The Dark Forest is set in medieval times in a parallel universe in which canines, foxes and wolves, evolved as the dominant life form on the planet rather than we humans. It's about a young vixen named Kian and a young dogfox named Tarric, who meet, in of all places, an outlaw band.  Kian, a tough, hard-nosed woodsvixen born and bred in the Dark Forest, is suspicious and contemptuous of the young male, whom she considers a dandy from the big city. Tarric is indeed very much a city fox, from the streets of Brockton, the captal city. He is also very cultured and polite, with a cheerful smile and an infectious personality that threatens to win ovr Kian's heart. There is, however, a cloud on this otherwise dazzling horizon.  Kildirk Drakken, the leader of the outlaw band, also has eyes for Kian, and unlike Tarric, is willng to stop at nothing to get his way.  Even if it means murder.

About the Author

   Mark Stevens is a native Minnesotan, born in "The Land of 10,000 Lakes" and growing up in rural Iowa. An avid reader, Mark could often be found with some sort of paperback in hand or tucked in his pocket, ready to be pulled out should an oportunity to read present itself.  He developed an interest in wildlife early on in his life, with a specal fondness for the great cats, as well as predators in general.  Military and railroad history fascinated him also, although a short stint in the U.S. Military was enough  to convince him that wasn't the sort of life he wanted.  These two interests of Mark's, wildlife and military history, are artfully blended together in his Black Silver, Red Gold series.