Don’t Take the Same Plane as Me

by Tricia Bennett



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/20/2012

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 406
ISBN : 9781477241400
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 406
ISBN : 9781477241417
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 406
ISBN : 9781477241394

About the Book

Here’s your perfect holiday read! When Tricia left the children’s home aged 17, the exceedingly dark and onerous cloud continued to follow her! She was still very much in survival mode when at 21, she bumped into John, a middle-class ex-hippie, with just a tatty suitcase and a fiver to his name. Despite an extremely turbulent courtship, three years later they finally tied the knot. Over the years, and in spite of very limited resources, they still managed to embark on a number of hilarious and ill-fated holidays abroad. These vacations begin with their tragic Greek honeymoon, followed close on the heels by a girls day trip to France that goes horribly wrong. You will be shaking your head in despair when you read about her camping disasters, numerous timeshare travesties, and hopelessly stressful European hotel breaks, as well as the lengths she is willing to go to, just to get an extra Disney ticket! For your own well-being and safety, when you next take a flight, do check the name of the lady sitting next to you. If she answers to the name of Tricia Bennett, it may be wise at that point to quietly leave the plane and reschedule your flight! Oh, and just incase your eyesight is as seriously deficient as hers, the two little figures parachuting out of the plane are the pilot and co pilot, baling out while they still have the chance to do so!

About the Author

Tricia Bennett spent her entire very troubled childhood in children’s homes back in England, and is the author of a trilogy about a struggling orphan, of which “Polly Brown” and “The Trouble with Polly Brown” have already been published nationally in the USA. She is currently working on “Hi America, I’ve arrived”, and, needless to say, it will be a continuation of her many fateful sagas, and this will also be closely followed by “Why I left home before the kids!” She moved from the UK with her husband John in 2007, and they are currently living in Wildwood, Florida, where they run Polly’s Pantry Royal Tearoom, a small but very delightful Tearoom and Gift shop. If you decide to pop by you may well find Tricia donning her crown as she delights her customers with her humorous and colorful tales. Their Tearoom is located at 819 South Main Street, Wildwood Florida 34785. You can also contact her on 1-352-330-4002 for speaking engagements, charity events, TV and radio interviews etc, and by e-mail on and also on Facebook.