Being the Creator is an interesting experience. There I was all by myself. Total LOVE but with no one to play with. So, I decided I wanted to experience all things-all at the same time, all at once. Then I gave myself a great big hug and imploded causing a very large bang. Some of you refer to it as the Big Bang theory.
I AM with no beginning, no end, no top or bottom, no real form, as you know it at all. I AM consciousness life eternal. I love to be in joy and to explore and to never stay the same, but always be whatever I choose, whenever I choose, however I choose, all of the time. All that is everything I AM. I AM the life force for animate also inanimate objects. Even this book you are reading would not exist if it were not a part of all that I AM. This may be a bit difficult for some of you to grasp, but if all atoms are alive and all things consist of atoms and I AM the life force of the atom, than all things are not only alive, but all that I AM. So here I AM doing everything, being everything all at the same time-all at once. I AM the book you read and I AM you! I AM the person receiving and giving the hug, I AM the Earth, the Grass on the Earth, the Wind, the Trees, the Leaves on the Trees, the Mountains and the Streams, the Birds that fly, I AM all things!
In preparation for our journey to the Planet Earth we had decisions that needed to be made. Among them would be who we would be. The choice of our gender, name, appearance and parentage had to be decided, because they would play a major part in our adventure on Planet Earth. We knew that when we entered the Human Body to have the Human Experience we would lose the memory of our Divinity on a conscious Human level, but not on a Soul level. Our Soul would play the part of keeping us connected to our Divine Self. Slowly and gently, our Spirit would take us by the hand to show us metaphors so we could one-day wake up and remember our own Divinity. Things like Planet (Plan it) Earth to get our attention so we would eventually see the big picture.
We as humans go around almost like robots, repeating the same behavior over and over again. We are unhappy, yet it often doesn't dawn on us that we learned how to act the way we do. And all we have to do is learn to look at the world differently, which will cause us to act differently, thus changing the outcome of our experiences. So many of us have such a negative, fearful outlook on life, and because of that we are miserable. We were taught to see the world that way. The wonderful thing is, it is not our natural state to be in fear, because our natural state as Spiritual Beings is LOVE. Realizing that we learned to be fearful is for our benefit, that means that we can change our lives, because anything learned can be unlearned!
Just before we entered into the Human Form, our Guardian Angels gathered around and reminded us we would not be alone. They would always be with us, LOVING, PROTECTING, NURTURING, TEACHING, AND GUIDING US. All we had to do for us to know they were there was to go within ourselves and use our sixth sense. By doing this, we would be able to connect with our Angels. For some it might be a feeling that there was a presence in the room with them or a warm feeling would come over them. For some it would be the sense of someone touching them and for others it might be a visual picture from inside themselves in their mind's eye, or visually with their eyes seeing outside themselves. All we have to do is lovingly ask for our Angels to make their presence known and they will. Our Angels are always (in all ways) with us. It is almost time to enter into the Human Experience Close your eyes and feel the unconditional Love that is within and all around you. Join me now on our adventure on Planet Earth.