Cyberneural Symbiote
Book Details
About the Book
The Baylor are a carnivorous race who, although advanced enough to launch orbital craft, were kept planet-bound due to constant tribal warfare and Family blood feuds. They were discovered, befriended, and given advanced technology by a well-meaning race who are now known as the Lost Race. The Baylor rewarded their benefactors with genocide then conquered and enslaved the other member races of the Lost Race's budding space Alliance. Renewing their traditional governmental form of 'the rule of the strongest,' the new Baylorian Empire then begins to expand its boundaries star by star.
Years later, one of the survivors of a half plant, half animal race whose world is destroyed by kinetic and nuclear bombardment uses his race's nanotech based abilities to leave his clan's refuge beneath the crust of their destroyed world to study the expanding Baylorian Empire. After four Terran centuries of study, Sy'Byt arrives on Earth where he befriends the human native Draco Moon and presents him with a nanotech based, cyberneural implant.
With the help of his alien mentor, Draco constructs duplicates of his nanobotic implant and presents one to every member of his family and a few close friends who wish to join him. In this way he builds an army of cyberhumans whose goal is twofold.
Covertly feed advanced technology into the data systems and research notes of Earth's scientists to 'push' the pace of advancement into space. The second major goal of the Cyber Warlocks and Witches is to remove a large number of human refugees, plants, and animals of Earth in case the Baylor openly invade before humans can advance enough to defend their world.
Both of these goals must be done in complete secrecy for if the Baylor suspect that nanotechnology (which they do not possess and fear greatly) exists on Earth, the planet will suffer the same fate as Sy'Byt's world. Complete surface destruction by kinetic and nuclear bombardment from orbit.
About the Author
Hi. My name is Rick Mullins. I was born in Madison, West Virginia on the tenth of September in 1952 and grew up in New London, Ohio. After graduation in '71, I spent four years in the Air Force working with special weapons. I then flipped McBurgers while attending Ohio University, drove a truck for an oil industry cement company in Wyoming, labored for another oil company in Louisiana, and was a self employed carpenter/remodeler in a small town on the Ohio River, among other jobs. Still heavily infected with a travel bug, I then joined the Navy, doing shore duty in San Diego before traveling the Pacific on the carrier Midway. Four years later I tended bar in Ohio, then carpentered in Florida before settling down to a factory worker's life in Ohio.
Just before my teenage years, I became hooked on fantasy and science fiction with my first books; The Hobbit immediately followed by my older brother's collection of Edgar Rice Burroughs stories. For the rest of my life, when I wasn't writing my own stories, I was attempting to read every science fiction book ever written as well as every issue of Astronomy and Scientific American I could get my hands on from cover to cover. I'm still trying, but I now read less and write more. I've fallen way behind on the former and can't keep up with the latter.
Over the years I have combined nearly all of my stories into a single worldview that I call the Cyberneural Universe. This first book, Cyberneural Symbiote and its two upcoming sequels, Star Blockade and Liberation, are designed to introduce the reader to the initial history of my Cyberneural Universe. So dig in! I hope you enjoy your journey through my universe as much as I do.