How I Overcame Grief

by Katherine Jones



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 30/06/2003

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 108
ISBN : 9781585004652

About the Book

How I Overcame Grief is a self-help book for those struggling to get through the pain of grief. How I Overcame Grief is a collection of stories about people going through the grieving process. A lot has to do with one's upbringing. Every death experience is different, and everyone grieves differently; however, a decision not to grieve carries serious consequences. Powerful and explosive emotions are displayed when dealing with death, guilt, and anger and must be resolved. This book reaches out to people and tries to help them get a handle on their emotions, and impress upon them how important it is to stay physically fit and mentally balanced. Grieving is a slow process and the results come a little at a time. How I Overcame Grief is thought provoking, positive, informative, and uplifting. It offers hints, alternatives, and gives hope. The book is practical, down to earth, and easy to read and understand.

About the Author

Katherine Jones has a B.A. degree in journalism from California State University at Northridge. She is a retired secretary, and resides in the San Fernando Valley with her husband, son, and two grandchildren.