How many more sightings would be reported? She hoped that she wouldn’t see one again or hear about one.
About 20 minutes later, still driving, Tawny caught a glimpse of something bright flashing across the windshield. It was the eyes in the yellow light. The eyes were looking through the front window of her car. She had closed the top down. She didn’t realize that it was so late. It was nearing 8:30.
The eyes in the yellow light looked different. They changed to brown. Tawny bolted, and the car started sliding over into the other lane.
A loud mouthed man in an old green truck started yelling. "Watch where you’re going, Lady: Are you crazy?"
Gaining control of the car, Tawny managed to stop in the parking lane. Leaning out the window, she looked up at the sky and started shouting. "What kind of being are you? Why are you stalking me?"
Motorists passing by were shaking their heads at the crazy woman talking to herself. She knew that’s how she looked to them. Realizing how ridiculous it looked brought her back to her senses.
Tawny was in a cold sweat. She was shivering and frozen in fear. The entity, or whatever it was, had appeared friendly at first. Now that the eyes had taken on another color, she didn’t know what to believe.
Did it mean that the eyes were becoming hostile? Were they out to get her? Were they evil? They didn’t look evil, or even harmful. Now, she was really beginning to feel insecure. And yet, the eyes were not menacing in any way. At least, they didn’t appear to be.
Were those eyes pursuing her to try to teach her something? Was there something those eyes wanted her to know? She remembered how they looked lingering over her bed like they wanted to tell her something. She didn’t feel that she was in any real danger.
How she managed to get home, Tawny wasn’t completely sure. She remembered running inside her condo. The first thing she did was to lock all the doors and windows. She turned on all the lights in the house and sat trembling in fear.
She felt afraid to go out of the house again. She felt that she just couldn’t, under any circumstances. She was that afraid. Why was this happening to her, of all people?
She thought about Gregg, and of what he would have to say about all this. There was no point in telling him about it. He wouldn’t do anything but laugh.
Tawny covered her face with her hands. She was afraid to look around the room. She was afraid the eyes would be watching her. She was fearful of falling asleep. What awaited her, she did not know. She sat there all night not closing her eyes. She dared not dream about the eyes in the yellow light. She finally drifted off into a deep slumber, oblivious to her dreams and surroundings.