God's Linchpin

by William 'Bill' Macdowell



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 22/07/2003

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.25x11
Page Count : 252
ISBN : 9781588205636

About the Book

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This book is about alcohol, alcoholism, the alcoholic, an alleged crime against humanity, and the violation of a person's Constitutional Rights by the lawmakers, both Congress and State, the Supreme Court and the Alcohol Beverage Industry. They control our lives without caring whether we live, die, or become victims of a deleterious addictive drug. The book centers on the Alcohol Beverage Industry, a drug cartel, their lobbyists, the bagmen/women and Congress, who prostitute themselves as Judas Iscariot did for thirty pieces of silver.

"Alcohol, alcoholism, the alcoholic, government, the judiciary and the alcohol beverage industry." Who should be responsible and accountable for the countless lives destroyed and the innocent victims strewn across the land because of the addictive drug/poison, ethyl alcohol?

"They knew or should have known" is legal language used in product liability litigation, all to often in favor of the alcohol beverage industry.

"Ordinary knowledge common to the community" is also legal language the courts use when they protect the alcohol beverage industry from plaintiffs who bring litigation against the manufacturer and the product they manufacture and market.

God’s Linchpin is the only answer and solution to the alcohol problem!

This book is intended to render useful information as to what product liability means to a consumer who believes that they were damaged by the product(s), distilled spirits, beer or wine. The contents of this book include: grounds for product liability, inadequate labeling, subliminal and overt advertising, alcoholism has been dissected in order that the reader might see alcoholism as a disease more clearly. Medical consequences including Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, liver, pancreas, hematologic, alimentary tract and endocrine and metabolic effects of alcohol have been documented.

Two case opinions by State courts, a class action and a individual product liability complaint for compensatory damages, filed by the author, pro-se, are presented for a better understanding of an individual’s rights to bring a legal action under the law against the alcohol beverage industry. The court's denials and opinions are also included. Who contributes and to whom do they contribute? The answer to why alcohol is not classified as a lethal drug that, under normal circumstances, would need a prescription as any other drug. How and why there is no empathy for the citizens of the United States, and other countries that would turn good and moral lawmakers into evil people? All this information, fact and statistical documentation is at the reader's fingertips.

This book is also intended for individuals who are interested in product liability litigation because they have been directly damaged by the beverage alcohol, have been harmed indirectly as a spouse or family member, or are innocent victims of the deleterious effect alcohol has had on them. Others who might benefit from this research would be individuals involved in the field of alcoholism and members of the Bar Association, to name a few.

The writer has endeavored to educate the reader as to what strict product liability law is and how it pertains to the products wine, beer and spirits. What alcohol and alcoholism is perceived to be, what covert, subliminal advertising techniques can do to a person’s subconscious mind and the psychological rationalization behind this type of advertising, inadequate labeling standards, the alcohol beverage industry and the government’s role along with the judiciary's power to rule out any responsibility and accountability the alcohol beverage industry should bear for the product they manufacture, market and enjoy a profit from by victimizing the alcoholic once again with the theory that the alcoholic is "the ordinary consumer" and has "common knowledge common to the community."

About the Author

William "Bill" Macdowell was born and raised in Flatbush, Brooklyn, New York. He became a paradox. His parents were lower middle class citizens who were not drinkers, but did indulge on occasion. His mother's parents were total abstainers, as was his father's mother. He never knew or heard of his grandfather on his father's side. His recollection is that both sides, as far as heredity is concerned, were not drinkers, and certainly not alcoholics.

After High School, he joined the Navy instead of taking advantage of a two-year scholarship to become a physical education teacher. The major reason for this change from the norm was alcohol. His drinking started at the age of seventeen and he was immediately cast into the role of an alcoholic.

From the age of seventeen, there was a radical change from the quiet, "nice kid," not known for a troublemaker, to an adult alky, at times called an animal and a menace to society. From 1947, age seventeen, to 1979, age 49, the downward plunge into the sea and quicksand of alcoholism cost him dearly. A thumbnail sketch is provided in the book as a testimony to the decline and recovery of an alcoholic.

Today, since 1979, he has abstained from alcohol, became an alcohol counselor, facilitates as a volunteer for alcoholics at hospitals and a local jail, and has counseled individuals who are DWI/DUI offenders.

In 1988, he retired from the Department of Defense where he attained the highest awards a civilian employee could earn, and later became a consultant to contractors in the electrical construction trade. Remarried and living on the Treasure Coast located on the southeast coast of Florida in a prestigious country club, overlooking the third hole on the golf course, is far cry from the "chicken coop," a room, in a flea bag hotel he occupied on the New York Bowery when he was at his lowest ebb during his chronic alcoholism. To add another advantage to his sobriety, he has had the opportunity to travel extensively throughout the world.