I Know Why You Can't Stop Smoking AND I Know How You Can!

by Nicholina



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 03/05/2001

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 116
ISBN : 9780759615922

About the Book

There are many books in stores, on the Internet, in doctors’ offices on smoking, not to mention advertisements on t.v. on how and why to quit.

Not one touches the real reason as to why we smoke, or the same reason we find it so hard to quit. My book does not suggest any of the following: pills, patches, gum, exercise, hypnotism, step down, step up, etc. etc. et.

About the Author

I am conveying to all of you smokers who are tired of the bla! bla! bla! on the dangers of smoking. You know it!

I am not a goody goody that never smoked. How did it happen? I am health conscious, I swim, dance, take vitamins, eat healthy, and exercise. So why on earth had I not stopped smoking for 55 years?

But! I did it! My way!

So I decided to write to all of you about how I devised my own method, because I finally realized the real reason why it was so hard to quit.