The Spiritual Principles of Consciousness & Manifestation

by Joy Turner



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 01/02/2002

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 136
ISBN : 9780759624122

About the Book

There are definite rules to creating happily in this world. The good news is that we are all using these rules already. The other news is that most of the time we are unconscious of the rules or how to effectively use them because no one ever explained what they were. So we go about creating our world more or less "as the wind blows," at the mercy of prevalent ideas and "how most people" do it.

The really good news is that since we use all the rules all the time, it is a relatively simple process to change the results by becoming aware of the rules, how they apply, and how to effectively use them to bring to us everything our Hearts desire.

In this book, Joy explains the rules and shows how we "block" the creation from a Heart level and use fear instead. She provides simple exercises to help release those blocks and provides a frame of reference to create from a positive, Heart-centered perspective.

Light-hearted and very insightful, Living (Happily) in 3D will take you from where you are to wherever you desire to be.

About the Author

Joy was born and raised in PA. Early in life she realized that people would come to her instinctively if they were hurt or troubled and tell her their "stories" (what bothered them). She would listen, touch them or say "just the right thing" and they would leave feeling better.

Only after many years did she realize this type of interaction was not common for most people. Her innate abilities grew as she matured. The ability to communicate with all levels of a Being and discern where the personality and/or physical self is out of alignment with the Soul allows Joy to offer guidance to all Beings, helping them become a larger expression of their Higher Self and live from their Hearts.