The First Black President Blues

by David L. Dukes



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 28/06/2002

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 252
ISBN : 9780759665651

About the Book

The First Black President Blues begins with the shooting of the first black president of the United States of America, Louis Hayes, at his reelection inaugural party. During his ensuing struggle to survive, Louis is forced not only to retrace his life’s path prior to the shooting but also to come to grips with his own true American identity.

Other 1stBooks By David L. Dukes

The Zebra Confessions shockingly snowballs from its dramatic opening riot scene through to the end of the second civil war of the United States. Then, in the separatist post civil war society, two young lovers, white Daniel and black Rachel, must face not only society’s hidden demons but their own.

The Last White Soldier reveals exactly how World War III starts and why. Racing from its first stunning attack through to its shocking conclusion, The Last White Soldier reaffirms that mankind’s global power structure is ever changing.

About the Author

David L. Dukes is a novelist, attorney, and observer of humanity. A graduate of Duke University and the Duke University School of Law, he was engaged in the practice of law when memories from his time in such places as Afghanistan and Columbia, South America led him to take up the writer's pen. Yet he doesn't write merely to record his observations but to project their significance into the future.