What Doctors Didn't Tell Us

About Double Breasted Suits and Single Breasted Women

by M. Falterman, N. Trahan & L. Schultz



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 27/02/2002

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 120
ISBN : 9780759670662

About the Book

There are times when even doctors don’t understand what breast cancer patients go through or feel physically and emotionally.  Written by three breast cancer survivors, this book is not about the cancer or cancer medication but about living with the disease.  It is meant to help you understand the cancer patient as they search for some semblance of normalcy in their lives.  It deals with love and laughter, marriage and separation, and the courage to live and to die. 

Martha, Neppie, and Loretta tell their stories as frankly as they can hoping others will benefit from their experiences.  With family, friends, courage, and one’s own faith, they have survived and are able to tell their stories. 

About the Author

When Martha Falterman was diagnosed with cancer, her first thought was of her daughter, Toni. She was only sixteen years old and Martha wanted to see her grow up. She was the reason Martha fought this disease. In the last eight years, she has seen her daughter mature and grow up to be a fine young lady. "Thank you Lord."

Martha said, "Now I would have a second reason to battle this disease. My grandson, Logan, is the new ‘love of my life.’ When and if this cancer should return, I would fight it until my last breath. I want to see him grow up."

This is also dedicated to each of you that have been diagnosed with breast cancer and have the courage to fight. Each time I meet a new survivor and hear her story, I get new strength. To each of you, I say, "You are my heroes." Remember the greatest thing in the world is the ability to move in a positive direction.

Neppie Constantin Trahan lives in Lafayette, Louisiana with her husband, Freddy. They are both considered true Cajuns. Neppie loves good food, music, Cajun dancing, and visiting with family. The simple things are important to her and she considers every day a gift from God and what we do with it is our gift to Him.

Neppie said that when she was diagnosed with cancer, she needed hope. The books she found were all medical and she wanted to know how her life would change not just her health. She asked why didn’t anyone write a book about emotions, family, and hope? Now finally, with Martha and Loretta, she did. According to Neppie, a second chance at life is our gift from God. This book is our gift to all of you who are going through cancer.

"Thank you to my daughters Shawn, Shannon, and Shelly and my grandchildren Hailey, Braden, and Garret for giving me the courage to live. I want to celebrate life. I feel my story is one of true love, from learning to love myself to sharing love with my husband, my best friend, while dealing with cancer."

Diagnosed with breast cancer five years ago, Loretta Schultz says that her love of life, family, and friends is what enables her to endure the things she must in order to fight the cancer inside of her.

Loretta has retired and is now limited to what activities she can do. Cancer and all the cancer treatments over the years have taken a toll on her body. But she still enjoys camping, fishing, photography, and the company of her family and friends.

According to Loretta, "This is a war. Too many soldiers have lost their battle. I vow to keep up the fight until there is a cure for breast cancer or I too lose the battle, which ever comes first."