Insights and Inspirations

by Bruce Chetham Williams



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/05/2002

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.25x11
Page Count : 220
ISBN : 9780759676817

About the Book

I have found in the course of writing my book, that many people find it unusual to hear the innate concepts that I have written about are those that began to take form and I started to express from the time of my childhood.

Apparently, from what I have been told, it is rare to have done this starting at so early a time in life. How rare, I do not know. To me, it was just natural that I did. But there has certainly been a degree of astonishment regarding this fact. Also, talking about deep subjects was surprising and difficult for many people to accept.

My perceptions continued to grow and were revealed even more so in my teen years. I have always thought and said that I knew there was a need to bring to people a way to develop personal awareness, and to help them achieve an insight they could find helpful regarding a wide range of subjects and situations in life. This I have continued to do through the ensuing years of my adulthood.

I have found a great deal of support for my conviction. There is a greater need for the type of substance in my book than ever before, and no such work currently exists for the inquiring minds so many possess during this unique experience in the human experience.

From the beginning to the conclusion of Insights and Inspirations, you are engaged in reading unique concepts and perceptions in spiritual, philosophical and psychological writings. It will provide a greater understanding of God, life, yourself and others that will, with an array of other subjects, make your life more meaningful and enriched.

About the Author

About the Author

Bruce Williams was born in San Diego, CA where his parents and two brothers were vacationing, but he lived nine years in El Centro before moving to Long Beach. He now resides with his wife in Lakewood, CA.

During a summer vacation in Ocean Beach near San Diego, while not quite 3 years old, that Bruce suffered an accidental Bi-chloride of Mercury poisoning that was the result of someone putting a bottle of it in an open box in the alley adjacent to the family’s cottage. Thinking it was a bottle of candy like the one that was on the kitchen table, and being like any child who gets into things, he swallowed tablets of this corrosive poison, then ran into the kitchen, climbed on the drainboard to gulp cold water from the faucet because of the searing pain, and told his parents he had swallowed "hot candy" from the bottle he had dropped in the alley. His mother and father ran outside and found the bottle with a skull and crossbones on it. They rushed him to a nearby doctor. Unfortunately, his stomach was not pumped enough. After being told by the doctor that he would be all right, he was taken home. But, soon after, he began to hemorrhage.

His parents rushed him to the hospital where he was born in San Diego. He was now unconscious, and the doctors said it was unlikely that he would survive because f the terrible damage he had suffered. After being close to death for over a week, he came out of a coma and it was considered a miracle that he did. It is most likely that he is the only one of his age who has ever ingested this deadly poison and lived.

There are many consequences that have resulted from this experience; one of the worst being a progressive collapsing of the vertebrae in his back from severe osteoporosis caused by the poisoning. Also, Bruce took the Sabin polio vaccine, fought off severe effects for over one year before ending up in the hospital, approaching paralysis. He has been left with a condition of chronic neuromuscular weakness. He was maimed in a double hernia operation and has undergone many surgeries in attempts to correct the botched up mess, but still has a major problem with entrapped nerves, which impair his physical activities. All things together necessitated his early retirement from a very successful career as an interior decorating consultant.

It is noteworthy that Bruce is not a reader of any books that are related to what he writes about (except medical and nutritional data). Insights and Inspirations, is based upon his innate insights, intuitive understanding, innovative concepts, and from his extensive personal observations and experiences from working with thousands of people.

He has given numerous lectures and continues to write to pursue what he considers to be a major mission in his life.