Hero of Bullfrog Hill

by Mike Marr



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/06/2002

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 164
ISBN : 9781403318305
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 164
ISBN : 9781403318299

About the Book

This book should probably be kept in the bathroom because each chapter is just long enough for your morning constitution. You don’t have to be born Southern to enjoy Hero of Bullfrog Hill but it couldn’t hurt. Here are tales of adventure, like the story of a young boy who loses his nephew on a homemade sled during the only snow in the last two years and later gets caught skinny-dipping by his friend’s sister. Here you will learn why lightning doesn’t strike fish and how to frustrate the dreaded joint snake. There is also a dictionary to help our dear Yankee friends communicate with us and you will learn why John Jakes was a Yankee sympathizer. Here are tales of everyday living mingled with tales of the loss of loved ones. Here are love stories, ghost stories and some plain old lies.

About the Author

Mike Marr is a hopeless romantic who grew up loving everything about the South. He writes about the way things used to be before all the Yankees moved in and changed them to the way that they do it back home. Mike invented the word confraction that similar to contraction puts several words together and by twisting them around the tongue and holding them firmly between the cheek and gum creates a new word undecipherable above the Mason-Dixon Line. Squeet is a prime example that means let’s go eat, something southerners do a lot. He lives in Clover, SC with his wife Diane, one Golden Retriever and some cats that leave paw prints on his pick up truck.