What follows here is a fascinating story of a highly mysterious set of circumstances at a disused air base in upstate New York. The story comes from a former base official, who wishes to be known only as "Regent." Although now retired from government service, Regent is adamant he remain anonymous.
It's unclear why he would want it this way. As far as I can tell, there was no wrongdoing on anyone's part, least of all Regent's. The source documents which are the basis for this book came into Regent's hands quite legally. There was no stealing or bribing or subterfuge or anything of that sort. Regent came by the documents, and the resulting story, purely by a fluke. I'll leave him to explain the details.
All that aside, Regent wishes his name left out of it and it shall be.
As you will see, Regent himself makes no claims as to the validity, either of the source material or the conclusions he has drawn from it. Neither do I. But it does seem to point to a decades long interest in the UFO phenomenon. It addresses many UFO-related issues that are common to those familiar with the subject. But it also touches on issues I've never heard before, issues that don't appear to be part of the UFO mainstream.
Regent admits, as do I, there are inconsistencies. These will be explored later on and possible explanations will be offered. In my opinion, however, these lapses don't invalidate the bulk of the material. If anything, the inconsistencies tend to lend credence. I would be skeptical if every fact and facet fitted neatly into an overall mosaic.
But enough of this. It would be very, almost fatally, easy for me to stray off into my opinions about this situation and that is not my intention. Far better each reader take what this book has to offer and form his or her own opinion. Whether you decide it's fact or fiction, I think you'll find it an intriguing story, if nothing else.
Having said that, let me step aside and let Regent tell you his own story.