Book Details
About the Book
"If Christ has not been raised,
Then our proclamation has been in vain
And your faith has been in vain." (1 Co 15: 14)
But Christ is risen and our Faith is not in vain. It is a beautiful Faith, full of mystery and miracles and truth.
Unfortunately, we do not have the written words of Jesus of Nazareth for our guidance, but we do have the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. And we do have the Letters of St. Paul, the Apostle to the Gentiles.
We are also fortunate to have the very words of the great St. Augustine, written in Latin, found neatly stored in his personal library after his death in 430 A.D. He left us with these famous words, the opening line of his "Confessions":
"Our hearts are restless,
Until they rest in you."
"Cor inquietum,
Donec requiescat in te."
This book, written in 2002 during the War on Terrorism, reflects on the fact that we all must die. But it contends that a Christian dies differently than others: he dies with the knowledge that Christ is risen from the dead, and with the hope of his own resurrection into glory.
He dies with the words of St. Paul, whispering in his ears like a childhood prayer:
"Awake, O Sleeper
Rise up from the dead
And Christ will shine on you".
(Ep 4: 14)
About the Author
Wallace S. Jungers, S.T.B., is a graduate of Woodstock College in Theology, where he studied under the renowned theologian, John Courtney Murray. He also has been awarded degrees in Philosophy, Ph. L., and in Chemistry, B.S.
Mr. Jungers taught Chemistry at St. Joseph’s Prep in Philadelphia and at Loyola College in Baltimore.
In this work on the Resurrection, he continues his research into Early Christianity, which he began with his other books: Jesus Christ in Glory (Rev. 2nd Ed.), St. Paul, St. John and St. Augustine, Reflections on Christ in Glory, Prayers of Early Christianity, and Of the Holy Spirit.
From the viewpoint of a modern Christian, Mr. Jungers has been explaining the New Testament to believers who are searching for a better understanding of the "vera et sincera" (true and honest) deeds of Jesus of Nazareth. Well versed in Greek and Latin, Mr. Jungers translates from the Greek text of Mr. Kurt Aland et alii (4th Ed), called UBS4.
An advocate of the modern trend of "Praying the Scriptures", Mr. Jungers brings life to these ancient documents which form the basis of the Christian Faith.
He lives in Chicago with his wife, Sue, who is the long-term principal of Mt. Carmel Academy. They have two married daughters, Jane and Jennifer, and one grandson, Kurtis.