This Man's Journey

A Walk in the Life and Times

by Linda Williams



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 17/10/2002

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 132
ISBN : 9781403349750

About the Book

This book was created to reach others in times when words seem so hard to find. Also, to show that there are other Christians in the world who have had similar experiences if not the same. In these writings you will find questions and also answers. It's purpose is to comfort the comfortless, befriend the friendless, uplift the bowed down heads and important enough to seek for that which is lost and help them find their way. This book contains spiritual ingredients, strength, comfort, joy, kindness, compassion, trust, guidance, direction, love and growth. For me, I found life.

About the Author

LINDA C. WILLIAMS, age 45, resides in New Haven, Connecticut and is a mother of two and one grandchild. Born, December 25, 1956 in Milford, Connecticut, she is a graduate of James Hillhouse High School. She is a licensed Hairdresser and Cosmetologist. Presently working in the medical field as a Certified Nurse's Aide and medical receptionist. She is an active member of St. Mary U.F.W.B. Church, located in New Haven, Connecticut. She is excited about what God is doing in her life and longs to share it, believing that it will give others a reason for the hope she has received in Christ Jesus.