Be as good as you are. There is a movement in this country to convince people that by performing random acts of kindness one can feel better about themselves and develop a more positive self-image. I believe in this. It seems to me that if one could spend a bit of time, money, or both, to aid another person, the benefits would be enormous. There are many ways to achieve this positive self-image. Self-image psychology is a fairly new concept; not much has been written that is of benefit to the general public. Try some of these small acts and observe the results. I think that you will be pleased and probably make them part of your routine.
At bedtime, relax completely and say your prayers. Pray that someone else be blessed and that the Lord look over others, and ask only that you will be able to serve. Upon waking, be the first up and treat your partner to a cup of coffee or some other favor. Baby oil in the bath water will keep you smooth and supple all day. Find and wash vigorously with a sweet smelling ‘foo’. Dress up. Wear your best, even if it’s not a special occasion. Impress others and you will impress yourself. A person’s self-image, that is, the picture one sees mentally and physically of themselves, is the key to spiritual and personal well-being.
Self-image psychology encompasses philosophy, theology and certainly touches upon other studies of human behavior. The general principles cover people, who are likely to be healthy, happy and successful, as well as the unhappy "failure-type", and other observable facets of human nature. The power of positive thinking falls into this self-image psychology and both sides of the question of success and failure can be studied.
In order to use positive self-image psychology in your own life, you must examine your own mind. Old-timers used to say, "examine your heart." Are you good-hearted or cold-hearted? These facets of your personality are rooted in the mind, and, good or bad, are caused by the inductive function of the mind; just as your life’s experiences cause you to be what you are. If you function as a bad person, selfish and designing, not caring for your fellows, then only self-image adjustment and love of oneself can change your life for the better.
Through the use of subjective reasoning, personality or self-image adjustment can be accomplished in a very short time. Remember that the subjective mind reasons by deduction alone, so set goals by autosuggestion and the results are assured. Look forward to being one hell of a nice person. Others will praise you and you could very well become the moral, business, or social success that you have always aspired to be.
No more butts
Quit smoking. It has been said that smoking cigarettes is probably the toughest habit to break. Cigarettes are the crutch of the masses. A cigarette smoker is dedicated to a fad, a stick of gage, a butt, a coffin nail, whatever. It is a disgusting habit that causes most of us out-of-pocket monies even if we do not smoke. It increases taxes and medical costs and, if in a public place, there is the increased cost of the installation of smoke extractors and air-tempering systems.
I used to feel sorry for the pathetic office worker standing outside in the weather puffing on a cigarette on a smoke break; no more. I recognize these addicted persons as a slave to stupidity. I am one of those smokers, a pipe-smoker. I have never smoked cigarettes but have been addicted to the pipe since the age of ten. Pipe-smoking keeps my office, which doubles as a library and a TV family room, clouded in a haze of foul-smelling smoke that seems to hang about six feet from the floor, and, when standing, I can inhale my mess several times before it dissipates. I have smoked for sixty years and, as I write these words, I resolve to quit now. It will be several months before I can finish this book and have it published – look for the final results of my quitting under self-hypnosis (Appendices).
I have noticed ads placed in my local newspaper – full-page ads, costing thousands of dollars – placed by a team of hypnotists operating under the sponsorship of a doctor claiming that they can stop your smoking in a single session for $39.00. They must be able to do it or they could not afford that kind of advertising. I know that it can be done, and I have removed the desire to smoke from many of my friends and students and did not charge them a dime. What you must do to break the habit is de-hypnotize yourself and break from the hype of years of tobacco advertising.
I recall that when I was in the second grade a young Italian boy brought a package of cigarettes to school and told his teacher that his father had required him to smoke to ward off the congestion of a bad cold.
The hypnotic system in order to quit smoking is the same as that of any other addiction or habit: induce self-hypnosis, set goals as to when and how, make it a part of your nightly regimen, tell yourself that you are stronger than addiction, imagine a clean environment in your home or office, and just do it (your doctor will be happy to show some pictures of smoker’s lungs after the autopsy). Good luck.