Sur lie*

by Mark Tate



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 13/03/2003

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 112
ISBN : 9781403372864

About the Book

Karin Phillips, Educator, writes about Sur lie*-“I really like what you’ve written. Some if it’s really raw and gritty…It’s just very—out there. Are you sure you want your children to read some of these inner thoughts and occurrences? Of course, I think that is what makes a good author—someone who puts it out there. Something authentic from the inner soul…”

About the Author

Mark Tate traveled in the northwest, riding a bicycle to Canada and back from his home in California. He has also traveled by train in Europe. “Everything you need should fit into a backpack as a duffle,” he says. “If it doesn’t, don’t travel, move.” He received a merit award in poetry from the Sebastopol Center for the Arts and an Editor’s Choice Award in Symphonies of Words. His first book of poems, Pommes de Terre was published in 2001 and is available from 1st Books Library.