How to Build Everything You Need For Your Birds

From Aviaries . . . To Nestboxes

by Don LaRosa



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 11/10/2010

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.25x11
Page Count : 116
ISBN : 9781403346872

About the Book

An aviary construction manual, intended for both novices and experienced breeders. Comprehensively written and professionally illustrated, with construction details, diagrams and pictures, material lists, insulating and finishing techniques, environmental concerns, and simple step by step instructions. Essentially, everything you need to know, about building everything you need, for your exotic or caged birds.

Every plan and construction detail is compiled from years of hands on experience in the raising and breeding of birds. Projects range from simple houses, cages, breeding and nesting quarters – to small, medium, large and grand scale aviaries.

Many designs are based on modular construction, containing the flexibility to start small and go larger and material and costs can be calculated in advance. All designs require inexpensive, non-specialized, easy to obtain materials assembled in a straightforward manner with the minimum tools, for strong, durable housing, tailor-made for a specific breed, or modified as needed. Included also are construction plans for feeders, waterers, humidifiers, hospital quarters, shipping/carrying cages, wiring, plumbing and ventilation plans; plus ideas, construction tips and general information seldom found in other bird publications.

About the Author

Dominic "Don" LaRosa is a former breeder of exotic/caged birds with a BA in Education, and retired from more than thirty years in manufacturing engineering. At the time Dominic wrote How to Build Everything You Need for Your Birds in 1972, he was a free-lance technical illustrator, and a full-time bird breeder; designing and building his own aviaries. Drawing on his experience, he drafted the illustrations and wrote the book so others could find the information unavailable elsewhere. Obtaining a copyright and self-publishing in 1973, he has sold wholesale for thirty years and retail, on the internet, since 1999. He resides in Southern Oregon.