The Country Club Murders . . .

by Betty-Anne Carr Wilkie



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 16/10/2002

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 236
ISBN : 9781403349828

About the Book

Murder Grace Erikson? Unthinkable! She was the golden girl, the fairest of them all. Yet, on the night of The Country Club's July Fourth dinner dance, dedicated to the celebration of America's bicentennial, some revelers find her dead, hanging by her lovely neck. The "unthinkable" catapults the quiet, suburban town of Corning Hills into the headlines and forces its chief of police, Aldo Valeri, out of hiding.

Aldo sets out to solve one murder only to be presented with two more, equally bizarre and obviously connected to the first. In the course of his investigation, he uncovers secrets that make many people suspect, but none accusable. He travels through a complex maze of clues with compulsive determination – daisies, two dead babies, appointment books, incongruous red lingerie, missing files – all the while trying to suppress a strong attraction to one of the key players. When he finally reaches the shattering solution, he is forced to face the further struggle of coming to terms with his personal guilt.

The Country Club Murders . . . is much more than a traditionally-crafted "whodunit." It is social commentary, relationships, romance, a retrospective on a time obviously not so very different from ours, and an unusual voyage into the human psyche.

About the Author

A native New Yorker, Betty-Anne Wilkie started her post-college life as an advertising copywriter. She eventually left advertising to obtain a graduate degree and become a teacher. Though always specializing in English, she has taught a variety of subjects in numerous places – a one-room schoolhouse, a residential treatment center for schizophrenic adolescents, adult school in New York City, and college campuses. She is co-author of DOUBLE EXPOSURES, Readings for Developing Effective Writing, published by Harper/Collins in 1995. She recently left full-time teaching to concentrate more of her energy on writing projects. She lives in New Jersey, is married, and has two adult children. She is currently hard at work on another mystery novel.