by Marchall Peel (Marsha Peel)



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 24/07/2003

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 84
ISBN : 9781410753045

About the Book

This book entitled, “Good Southern Poetry from the Dark Day” talks about the difficult times colored people encountered during the 40s, 50s, and midsixties from Southern Mississippi.

It gives a description of how hard colored families worked from sunup to sundown in the hot fields on the plantations. One can hear the cry for freedom from black oppression in the prose and poetry in this book.

This book will also acquaint its readers with the struggles that colored people were forced to do by their plantation owners during the 40s, 50s, and midsixties in Southern Mississippi.

About the Author

Marchall L. Peel is a new author of her first book of prose and poetry, entitled, “Good Southern Prose and Poetry from the Dark Days.” 

In her new book of prose and poetry, she talks about her childhood experiences, and what it was like growing up the little colored girl from Mississippi.  One can hear her cry for freedom in her poetic tone.

Peel’s first book of prose and poetry will arouse the interest of most of her readers and audiences to the listen the sound of poetry from the darker days.

Her book, “Good Southern Prose and Poetry from the Dark Days” is a must to read and hear the dramatic sound of poetry from the dark times.

Marchall L. (Green) Peel is a l965 Graduate of Alcorn University, Lorman, Mississippi.  She earned a Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Education and a minor in English.  She has taught in the public school in Lake County, IL for over thirty years.  She is currently employed as a full-time communications and social studies teacher at Webster Middle School in Waukegan, Illinois.