Raindrops and Sawdust

by Afton W. Minga



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 13/02/2003

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 496
ISBN : 9781403367273

About the Book

Raindrops and Sawdust is the story of a family's victorious plight through crisis just prior to, during, and after the Civil War. Determination, hardship, friendship, romance, and one character's struggle to find lasting faith in God have been intertwined in a plot filled with intrigue and passion; however; unlike most of today's novels, it is so graciously shared in a way that even a parent would feel encouraged by having a teenage son or daughter read the simple, yet touching story.

About the Author

At age fifteen Afton wrote her first short story that received recognition and her dream since then has been to write a novel. Raindrops and Sawdust is her first. She has a collection of poetry that she has written, and she occasionally enters a short story in the local newspaper. Recently, Afton was awarded first place for a short story she entered in a writing contest sponsored by the Northeast Writer's Forum, Booneville, Mississippi. Judges for the contest were members of the English Department, Northeast Community College, Booneville, Mississippi.