Return Engagement

by Margaret McCarthy



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 06/02/2003

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 320
ISBN : 9781403367754
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 320
ISBN : 9781403367761

About the Book

Setting is the New York theater district, 1946. Bill Flanagan and Dan Shaw, Army buddies from World War II audition for a new musical and become part of the cast of Gentlemen Again. Both men are fascinated by the beautiful chorus girls. Bill wrangles dates for them and falls in love with Jen Kelly. Dan’s quiet nature takes a back seat to Bill’s outgoing personality.

Director Brian Casey molds a cast of newcomers into a near perfect production and is furious when the producers insist he hire maverick comedian Jack Boyd as the headliner. Boyd is a troublemaker, known for his pompous, arrogant attitude. Off stage the cast tries to avoid him but his inflated ego won’t allow him to accept rejection. As a payback for his dirty tricks the comedian is the target of a hoax. He threatens everyone he thinks was involved.

Boyd surprises everyone on opening night by publicly crediting the young director with the show’s success. Most of the cast attend the wedding of Jen Kelly and Bill Flanagan. Brian Casey proves himself an excellent entertainer and is the life of the party at their reception.

Prominent ticket broker Josh Golden introduces Marianne Gordon, his top agent, to the cast. Dan Shaw and Marianne are attracted to each other right from the start. Their true feelings come out when they are stranded for hours on an amusement park ride that malfunctions. They are open and honest with each other, but she’s afraid their emotions will interfere with his promising career and suggests they put them on hold for now. She thinks marriage would stifle his chances for success. Jen tries to calm her fears but is only partially successful.

Jack Boyd is murdered. Police focus on Brian Casey as the prime suspect. The Crew know Brian is innocent and Marianne lets him know they are all aware of his off hours gay activities. Reporter Paul Gray meets old friend Marianne and she introduces him to the cast. Paul digs up information on Boyd’s past that leads to the killer. Paul is the hero, but Dan Shaw makes out better than anyone.

The Crew help Julian overcome a racial problem so he and Harriet, another member of the Crew, can marry. Marianne and Dan help them lease an apartment and evade the restrictions of a narrow minded building manager. A night out finds the Crew caught in a police raid. Marianne and Dan miss it, but an untimely phone call interrupts Dan’s proposal. He is offered a movie contract and she refuses to go with him. She’s afraidmarriage will limit his success. She goads him into an argument so he will go to California alone. Later she reads of his marriage in a trade paper and is so devastated she seeks haven on the secluded farm of her friend.


Years later Bill Flanagan accidentally finds a clue to the whereabouts of Marianne. He talks Dan into calling her. A Thanksgiving Day visit precedes a weekend reunion with the Crew. The reunion puts them on the road to romance again. The in-between years are explained to each other and they realize time has not dimmed their love at all. Dan’s honesty with Marianne’s family wins them over and he tries to convince her they can pick up where they left off many years ago. She has her doubts but he encourages her to try. He introduces her to airplane travel and takes her to his home on Long Island. The trip is followed by a visit to Josh Golden and a tour of their old neighborhoods in New York City. They are invited to an old fashioned jam session and Dan sings in public again after many years of silence.

A weekend at a resort hotel gets out of hand when bubble bath is accidentally added to the Jacuzzi. Later they embark on an Alaska vacation and it begins with more laughable Frick and Frack episodes. They enjoy each other completely and renew all aspects of their old love affair. Before returning home they agree on a temporary solution to their marriage problem.

After vacation Marianne goes for medical tests and doesn’t tell Dan. He is angry and hurt when he finds out and explains that he wants to share everything with her ... the good and the bad. He finally manages to prove how much they need each other. She gives in and asks him to have Josh "call the judge."

About the Author

When I was in school, most females were limited to careers as mothers, secretaries, nurses or teachers. Another option was that you heard "the calling" and chose to become a nun. I never heard the "calling" – even God couldn't shout that loud. I was not going to settle for any delicate female careers. I wanted a lot more out of life. I have been fortunate enough to work in almost every field, except medical. I've gained a wealth of experience and have had a wonderful time doing it.

A college education had always been a goal, but circumstances didn't allow it until I was fifty-one years old. It was one of the smartest things I've ever done. I found some of my best friends in my college years, professors and friends who had faith in me when I didn't have faith in myself. Books have always been my constant companions. Writing was a challenge that tempted me for years, like a fascination that I could never overcome. Articles published in regional magazines and newsletters plus a few years of investigative reporting proved to me how difficult it is to be a successful writer.

Today, I'm older, milder and mellower. My serious years never offered the sense of happiness or feeling of accomplishment that comes with age and experience. I don't like to be classified as "old" but I will admit to having antique value. I have learned not to take life too seriously and that laughter doesn't add to my wrinkles.