By the Wings of the Morning

by Virginia W. Anderson



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 16/06/2003

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 308
ISBN : 9781403389930
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 308
ISBN : 9781403389923

About the Book

In 1962, Family and friends were incredulous when Roy and Ginny confided they were selling their belongings, cashing in savings, and leaving Roy’s satisfying position to travel to an obscure island on the opposite side of the world. Why would they take their children, ages 4, 8, and 9 into the unknown for a full year? Their only explanation was they knew this was right for them, following their intuition to find more meaning in life, and to be a veritable family for a year.

Sailing third class on the original Queen Elizabeth, they launched out into the unknown, arriving at Mahé six weeks later with no connections in the Seychelles.

Their stay in this seldom-visited island, five by seventeen miles, was a microcosm of a whole lifetime. Close ties and friendships were formed with natives, as well as wealthy landowners, and a countess and earl, Governor of the Seychelles. Pivotal, were the Anglican Archdeacon, the Reverend Kingsley Walker and his family. Ginny and Roy were exposed to a full gamut of experiences including the thrill of unparallel tropical splendor, adventure, inner turmoil, temptation, brushes with death, separation, reconciliation, and above all spiritual realization.

The brief epilogue, written forty years later, hints at the fruitful, lasting results.

About the Author

Virginia Anderson received a Bachelor of Science degree in Speech Therapy from the University of Wisconsin. She was instrumental in compiling and assisting in the editing of her father’s book, History of an American Frontier, recently published by 1st Books Library. She is now typing and editing her husband, Roy’s memoirs. Virginia authored an unpublished book entitled, Beware the Way.

As a student of languages, Virginia is conversant in Spanish, French and Italian, which she uses in frequent trips abroad. She lives with her husband, Roy, in Claremont, California and is in close touch with her three children and four grandchildren. Her prime interest is in writing poetry.