Poems of Old Testament Bible Characters That Tell the Story

by Marc S. Craig Sr.



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 21/04/2003

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 108
ISBN : 9781403397133

About the Book

Poems of Old Testament Bile characters that tell the story, is a genuine unique book of short story poetry. What makes this book so unique is that it tells the complete story of the specific character or characters that are in the Bible. These poems go into graphic details, naming other people besides the main character, place's and things. A colorful and delightful first of its kind that will enhance your knowledge of the Bible. Enjoyable, humorous and relaxing reading. A great teaching aid for young and old. No other book of poetry can tell you more about characters in the Old Testament like this. This book of poetry brings to life characters like Noah and his family, Isaac and Rebekah, Jacob and Esau, Joseph and his brothers, Naomi and Ruth, Rahab the harlot, Samson, and many many more. If you like poetry, short stories and the Bible, you will love Poems of Old Testament Bible Characters that tell the Story.

About the Author

Marc Craig Sr. has been writing for a long time and never considered publishing until friends and family encouraged him to do so. A first time publisher, Marc is busy putting together Vol. II of Poems of Old Testament Bible Characters. Because these poems were so good, well written and unique, some people who know his humorous personality did not believe it was he that had written them. However, everyone who does read them, always ask for a copy. Now that he has established himself, you will be hearing more from him. His goal in the future is to write a novel.