All Grown Up and Dressed in White

by Carrie (Ginny Girl) Kemp



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 11/03/2003

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 140
ISBN : 9781410709233

About the Book

This is the story of a nine-year-old newspaper carrier (she sold the paper to patients in the local hospital).

As a 4th grader she decided that nursing was her choice of a career. Little did she realize what a journey that decision would turn out to be. Speaking of a journey, the story tells how she an African-American whose parents were from Alabama and who by their loving care and guidance helped her and her siblings overcome the stumbling blocks encountered while growing up as "Colored People", "Negroes", "Blacks", and now, "African Americans".

About the Author

Ginny Girl the ‘nickname’ given by her daddy at an early age is better known as Carrie Genevieve Kemp. She is an African-American native of Indianapolis, IN., one of nine children born to Archie J. Smith and Bettie W. Crayton Smith (eight are still living). Her siblings consist of five girls and three boys. Her parents and one brother are deceased.

With love, sacrifice, and instillation of the value and importance of education, all of the children acquired a degree in some professional field.

She is married and the mother of one son, who is very special to his parents, especially since four other pregnancies were problem pregnancies, and subsequently he is the only living child. Her husband a native of Louisville, KY migrated to Indianapolis in 1957. They are both retired, he from being a Vocational Education Teacher (Tailoring/Sewing) at two different correctional institutions in the metropolitan area of Indianapolis, and she as a registered nurse. They have been married over 40 years, and since retiring they enjoy traveling and doing volunteer work. In addition her husband is an avid golfer.