by W. R. Beauhuld



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 09/06/2003

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 468
ISBN : 9781410716514

About the Book

"What metamorphosis has taken place here; day after day, week after week, wound upon wound? How tragic for a beautiful, but dark and bruised creature such as myself to be trapped without truth, and condemned to a life of trite routine! Perhaps over the years my wounds have dried up, but I am hemorrhaging terribly from within. Indeed my soul is anemic." David Crutchfield listens in horror to the insane ravings of a persistent ghost who is becoming more and more immune to David’s alcoholic attempts to stifle him. Disturbing visions and voices increase daily until finally David decides to run from his house in the middle of the night in search of his sister’s gravestone – in search of an answer. Ultimately, he embarks on a wild bipolar ride falling into depression and floating into fantasy while searching for himself. White Light is the story of one man’s struggle with the common human conditions of sickness, loss and loneliness, against the hopeful backdrop of healing revelation desperately buried years ago in the mind of a disturbed child.

About the Author

Wlliam R. Beauhuld was born in Los Angeles, California in 1964. He attended Hollywood High School and California State University at Northridge. He developed an interest in writing at nine years of age when he was granted entry into a state wide essay contest. He began work on a first novel at 25, but could not continue due to the tragic loss of his sister. He has worked continuously in the computer field as a systems engineer, network administrator, and computer operations manager for fourteen years. Urged by his wife of nine years, to forsake his technological background and pursue a literary life instead, he left his last prominent management position to pick up where he left off fourteen years ago.