Skimming the Surface

by Billie Urabazo



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 25/04/2003

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 148
ISBN : 9781410716941

About the Book

Skimming the Surface is a collection of poems by American Indian writer Billie Urabazo. The work is about living a life and getting it right. And wrong. Themes of embracing life and art, overcoming illness and regret, coming to forgiveness and beginning again are presented with clarity and honesty, and flow past the reader like the moving water of a life lived. Each work stands on its own, yet adds its own energy, life and color to the whole. Skimming the Surface speaks to the writer and artist about the creative process, and to all who love the imagery, language, and the nuances of the written word. This work is bold, often humorous, speaking to anyone who dares to live inside their own life.

About the Author

Billie Urabazo is an American Indian writer of fiction and poetry. Urabazo has been a ballet dancer, has taught ballet and music, and has owned a small business, but has always been a writer. Urabazo studied under Rudolfo Anaya, and while at the Taos Institute of Arts in Taos, New Mexico, studied with Natalie Goldberg and Miriam Sagan. In 1989, Urabazo was awarded the Lena M. Todd Memorial Award for poetry at the University of New Mexico. A member of the Mississippi Choctaw tribe, Urabazo currently resides in the Southwest and claims to know the secret to good writing: that there is no secret. Writing is to live and write, to read and write, to live and write again.