All Out of Heart

A Journalist's Memoir of the Civil War

by Nicholas J. Canfield



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 17/09/2003

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 368
ISBN : 9781410743923

About the Book

They lived on coffee and "segars," whiskey when they could get it, shouldered their way to the front armed with pencils instead of rifles. Hard-bitten generals hated them, branding them spies and parasites. Glory-seeking underlings pandered to them, promoting their own advancement. The anxious folks back home devoured their every word and clamored for more.

Civil War journalists were a breed of their own. Freewheeling opportunists and adventurers, they carved their reputations from the terror and devastation of a nation bent on self-destruction. With determination and grit, they bullied their way into places decent folks had gladly fled, hardening their hearts against the carnage and bloodshed to get the story and to get it first.

Correspondent Nick Canfield waded into the turmoil as a refugee moving against the tide. He took cold comfort from the chaos of war, the battlefield's smoke and confusion obscuring his personal struggle, a conscience at odds with itself. Like the nation, he too was torn apart by an unresolved past and now faced an uncertain future. And as the conflict played out, he must make a final reckoning -- in a world changed forever.

About the Author

Nicholas J. Canfield was born in New York City in 1822. He attended the University of Virginia, Charlottesville, and in 1847, undertook the arduous and uncertain journey to California via St. Joseph, Missouri, and the Oregon/California Trail. Arriving that autumn in what is now San Francisco, he was among the first to learn of the gold discovery at Sutter’s Mill in January, 1848. Nick returned to New York City and in 1849 published a well-received book based upon his western adventure. Subsequently, he was publisher of the literary review Getches Monthly, then editor of the Baltimore Weekly Intelligencer newspaper, prior to becoming a battlefield correspondent soon after the start of the American Civil War.