In Search of Heaven, the Eternal Life

by Rodger W. Berg



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 09/06/2004

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 228
ISBN : 9781410751362

About the Book

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This book of forgotten spiritual knowledge is so powerful, it can literally unite the medical, scientific and theological communities around the world, thus becoming the "Second Savior" for mankind.  If you're the type of person who thoroughly enjoys having superior spiritual knowledge and wisdom, then you will want to own this book. 

Why?  Because it is not only based on the author's unique first-hand experience of actually being in Heaven and conversing with Jesus, God, and the Angels, but also his fourteen years of scientific and Biblical research along with what he has learned being a Certified Therapist.  This book can take any layperson, or professional, from not knowing anything about spiritual matters, to fully knowing just about everything there is to know, as they follow the author on his journey in discovering how each of us may have Eternal Life. 

About the Author

No longer fearing death or dying after having a rewarding spiritual experience in December of 1988, Rodger knew he wanted to help others with their spiritual development.  Born abroad and reared throughout the world, Rodger has gained extensive knowledge about the universe and the psychology of human behavior.  He is a "Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist" with international affiliation and has been practicing since 1989.  His research and experience has led him into various areas of science, theology, metaphysics, and past-life therapy, where his knowledge has gained him a reputation as an outstanding author, teacher, lecturer, therapist and professional spiritual counselor.  He demonstrates that "death as we know it, is a vital part of existence for many living creatures, but it does not mean the end of life."  He also states, "death really has no place in reality, for the individual's internal 'Life-Force Energy' is truly spiritual and eternal in nature."