"The End of All Diseases"

An Obscure San Diego Genius Develops A Cure For Cancer In 1930

by R. E. Payne



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 02/07/2003

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 184
ISBN : 9781410753403
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 184
ISBN : 9781410753410

About the Book

In every generation men arise who perform wonders for a time and then are lost to history. Royal Raymond Rife is such a man. Rife, the subject of numerous front-page stories in the San Diego Evening Tribune was also featured in the Los Angeles Times in 1931, under the heading of “What’s New in Science.” Time and prejudice have destroyed much of his story but enough remains to piece together what happened.

Rife invents the most powerful microscope in the world, the only one that can see viruses alive.  The invention of the microscope leads Rife to the invention of his “electronic antibiotic” in 1930. Rife is looking at live diseased organisms through his microscope and then irradiating them with radio frequencies.  After the organisms are bombarded, they are dead, incapable of producing disease.

Diseases cured harmlessly and without drugs!

Now begins the story of how the pharmaceutical cartel, hospitals, the insurance industry, the autocratic leader of the AMA, the U.S. Government and a handful of other special interest prevent Rife’s device from being tested by approved independent laboratories.

Their issue is nothing less than their own survival.

About the Author


The author is a director of two business graduate universities, Southern States University at Huntington Beach, California and Ashington University at Metairie, Louisiana  (www.southernstatesuniversity.com and www.ashingtonuniversity.com). He also serves as a Special Assistant to the Governor of the state of Louisiana. His memberships in professional organizations include the Chartered Institute of Professional Management, World Association for Online Education, Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, American Evaluation Association and Canadian Association for Distance Education.

Payne is also the author of two non fiction books, “Caught in the Crossfire” (also a NBC-TV movie and “Above the Law, the hidden career of John Volz, USA.” He is perhaps best known for his international best selling periodical “The Death of Brandon Lee: The Untold Story.”

Payne’s website is www.weseektruth.com .