Within My Eyes

by Dayna Barret



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 01/05/2004

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 384
ISBN : 9781410757609
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 384
ISBN : 9781410757593

About the Book

Billy Borgia’s attempt to continue his long-standing control over Herin Michaels with his hypnotic gaze, backfires when she begins to re-live their past in her dreams.  There she discovers his numerous infidelities, a hidden power, and a secret he never dealt with.  Billy’s constant refusal to communicate pushes her into the arms of Royce Harrington-- the one man who knows Billy personally from a long ago past.  He knows the origins of Billy’s power, and he will stop at nothing to save Herin from Billy’s dangerous world.  Though in the end, Royce begins to wonder if rescuing the damsel in distress is what Herin truly wants.

About the Author

Dayna Barret lives in Southern California with her wonderful and supportive husband, Tony, and their two awesome children, Geena and Halden.

Dayna began her venture into journalism at the age of 10. For her first book, she’d invite her best friend over and perform scenes, then would write them down. Of course, the book was too silly to publish, but it was a start. Her interest in the paranormal and the astral worlds began around the same time. With the help of her grandfather, also a published author, she had access to books that weren’t your every day reading material. After his death at the beginning of her senior year, she backed away from it all. Instead, she got a degree in design, sold some Real Estate, and managed a few stores before deciding to manage her own life and do what she’d set out to do. To write.

“I’m sorry it took so long, grandpa. And grandma, I still pick up the phone to call you, though you’ve been gone for two years. I miss you and love you. This book is for you.”

In loving memory of my grandparents, Dr. Harold R. and Mrs. Evelyn L. Stark