Life in America During the First Half of the 20th Century

by Franklin W. Hooper



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 07/11/2003

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 220
ISBN : 9781414009865

About the Book

WAR, WASPS & ALL THAT JAZZ” is a hard-hitting, pull no punches, true chronicle of life in the 1920’s, 30’s and 40’s.  The book covers the depression, prohibition, music, automobiles, radio, World War II, and other social, political, and cultural events. All this is experienced by a sensitive young boy growing up during these times with his eccentric, dysfunctional rich relatives who were major players in WASP (White Anglo Saxon Protestant) society  during this time. 

The earliest part of the book details the story of the young boy’s relatives, including his great-grandfather, a contemporary of Robert E. Lee at West Point.  It ends when the boy becomes a soldier, fights in World War II, and comes home just as a new era is ushered in, one in which the WASPS no longer hold ascendancy.  The war portions deal with his basic training in Mississippi and his combat adventures in the Pacific theater, including New Guinea, Moritai and the Philippines. 

This book will appeal to any person interested in the social, political and cultural history of the United States in the earlier part of the twentieth century.  Anyone who can empathize with a young person’s coming of age under difficult circumstances in a dysfunctional family and living through the world's greatest depression and war should not overlook this book in which we see that wealth does not always equal or lead to happiness.

About the Author

Franklin Walker Hooper Jr., the young, sensitive WASP (White Anglo Saxon Protestant) in WAR, WASPS & ALL THAT JAZZ  has spent the latter part of his life in the pursuit of education, music, and preserving the importance of World War II to present generations.
Franklin has degrees from Queens College and Syracuse University and has recently retired from a career as history teacher and supervisor in the New York City education system.  As supervisor he introduced many of the city's new reading and writing programs. 
His interest in World War II has led to a lifelong commitment to preserving the memory of World War II.  In 2004 he attended the World War II Memorial Inauguration Ceremonies in Washington D.C.  There he was interiewed and had articles printed in the Washington Post and the Wall Street Journal.  In addition, his experiences in World War II were videotaped and placed on file at the Library of Congress.
Franklin is also a charter member of the World War II Memorial Society, the National Museum of the Pacific War, the Admiral Nimitz Foundation, and  the Disabled Veterans Association.
Franklin Hooper has recently settled in North Carolina to be with his extended family, his son Franklin Walker Hooper III from his first marriage, daughters Nicole and Suzanne from his second plus two grandchildren and five great grandchildren.  He plans to devote more time to writing, practicing the piano, traveling and World War II activities.