Now We're Talking

The Story of Theodore W. Case and Sound-on-Film

by Antonia K. Colella; Luke P. Colella



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 05/11/2003

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 124
ISBN : 9781410795151

About the Book

About the Author

In 2002 the authors discovered a biography of Theodore W. Case had never been written. They immediately began researching the life of the sound-on-film inventor. ( The 2nd Edition of Now We’re Talking was released in June 2010. Ms. Colella is a reading specialist with degrees from Rosary Hill College, George Washington University, and Syracuse University where she was pursuing a doctorate degree in Reading and Language Arts before motherhood arrived. She has written articles on education for newspapers and professional journals and in 1999 created the New York State Newbery Quiz Bowl. Luke is now in high school and enjoys biology, European history, sports, music and movies. He is currently writing a play on Theodore W. Case from the perspective of a very grateful talking movie star - Mickey Mouse. Luke was inducted into the Kids Hall of Fame for his efforts in co-authoring Now We’re Talking and for proposing before City Council that the city of Auburn, New York, be officially designated “The Birthplace of Talking Movies” — the resolution passed unanimously on July 22, 2004. Mother and son enjoy life in Ted Case’s beloved hometown of Auburn, New York. Contact the authors for speaking engagements on “The Life and Legacy of Theodore W. Case’’.