Depression Kid

A memoir of growing up the hard way. In Wisconsin. During the '30's.

by Wallace J. Gordon



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/12/2003

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 148
ISBN : 9781410778475

About the Book

It wasn’t enough that the Great Depression was doing its best to swallow the world.  There was also the alcoholic father, the divorce, and half a dozen cities, towns and hamlets.  Even a farm, which isn’t all beer and skittles if you’re basically a city kid.

But when everybody’s poor, nobody’s poor.  At least that’s the way it seemed to Wallace J. (Wally) Gordon.  And what the heck – at least he still had one parent, even if she was working sixty-five miles away part of the time.  And eventually there were Grandma and Grandpa, playing the trumpet, his kid sister and his paper route and his best friend Willy.

And before you knew it, there was even Muriel.  With Pearl Harbor and the Army just around the corner . . .

About the Author

Wallace J. (Wally) Gordon has been writing for a living for something like forever – fifty-five years and counting – and after piling up mountains of rejection slips for short stories and a novel, he made a successful and satisfying detour into the advertising business, writing ads and commercials for clients ranging from Coca-Cola and Dodge to the neighborhood bank.

However, after almost forty years of the advertising wars, he decided enough was enough, and is now writing books for himself, his wife and kids, and anyone else who happens to stumble across them.  Depression Kid shows you how and when and where it all began, and is one of six memoirs he has written and is publishing.  So far.

You are cordially invited to come along for the journey . . .