Journey of A Heart

by Gerald W. Anthony



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/12/2003

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 280
ISBN : 9781410790750

About the Book

Read the story of a Christian’s journey in the lands of the Eastern Hemisphere.  Learn of the struggles of a teacher and the discovery of who he really is underneath the hard outer shell he has built up during the years.  You will be able to feel the thoughts of this teacher as he deals with the troubles of culture shock, romance, betrayal, and friendship.  The book includes powerful messages, award-winning poetry, breathtaking pictures of Europe and Asia, and hand written song lyrics.  After reading this book, you will be inspired to look at your own journey and discover what path lies before your heart.

About the Author

Gerald W. Anthony is an aspiring international motivator.  He has received his Undergraduate degree from Longwood University with a major of Business Administration, concentrating in MIS and minoring in Communication Studies.  He has received his Master’s degree from Columbus University in the field of Computer Information Systems.