I'll See You Tomorrow

by Larry W. Colwell



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 17/09/2003

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 192
ISBN : 9781414001593

About the Book

So often, one is turned off by the mention of the word, 'Poem', because there is that dreaded fear that he won't be able to understand what the poem is trying to say. This book highlights poetry that is easy to read and understand. Some of the poems deals with current issues and, in some instances, how to handle them. If the reader is looking for "food for thought" in his daily living or how to face problems and deal with them more successfully, then reading this book will certainly point you in the right direction.

The book is divided into six sections, which appeal to readers of all ages. The sections included are: inspiration, tributes, family, sports, protest, and slam. Themes are centered around a variety of subjects. Most of the poems are "inspirational" and give the reader something to grasp as he reads, and they explain certain passages in the Bible from a poetic point of view. Still others will make the reader laugh or even cry. As you view the poems between these pages, I hope you will enjoy reading them as much as I enjoyed writing them. Truly, they are an inspiration from God.

About the Author

He was born February 8,1945, in Columbia Hospital for Women in Washington, DC. He attended Dunbar Senior High, graduating in June of 1962. He furthered his education by attending D.C. Teachers. College from 1962 1967. After receiving his Bachelor of Science degree. He continued his education earning a .MAT Degree (Master of Arts in Teaching) in May 1975, and a Master 's Degree in Administration and Supervision in 1982. He has taught in the DC Public Schools for thirty-four years, retiring in June 2000. His inspiration for writing began in “1971”. After retirement he has been concentrating on writing and working with a number of ministries within his church.