Time to Say Good-bye

by Tom Pataky



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 06/01/2004

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 424
ISBN : 9781410795427

About the Book

Fifty years ago naїve, immature and optimistic students, not unlike Steve, Tom and Christy in the book provided the spark for the Hungarian uprising.  They deposed the Communist government and fought bare fisted against the mighty Red Army.  For eleven days they were victorious and may have foreshadowed the eventual fall of the Soviet Empire.

After eleven days the movement was overpowered and punishment was forthcoming.  For many escape became the only way to avoid torture, imprisonment or worse.  There were narrow escapes from whirling events.

The novel is also a love story of young people who are trying to make sense of an adult world.  The readers see our heroes as they flee from the restrictions of the government and from ingrained beliefs and family prejudices until they emerge from the carefree youthful dream world as penniless, homeless refugees, to seek happiness and prosperity in another country.  The future of our heroes remains open, to be discussed in a future volume.

About the Author

Born in Hungary the author had successful business experience that carried him to different parts of the United States and to a number of foreign countries.  He studied Journalism and Economics and frequently contributed to local newspapers and participated in radio talk shows on a variety of subjects.

More than five years research, countless interviews and real life experience provided the background to the historical novel -Time to Say Good-bye.  The book covers a brief two-month period of the Hungarian Revolution of 1956 from the point of view of young, idealistic and optimistic participants, who try to make sense of an adult world.

Tom Pataky lives in the Columbia River Gorge with his wife.  Their children are free to pursue their own business interests