Swimming Against the Odds

Harris County Aquatic Program : 1st Ten Years

by Thurman W. Robins



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 26/12/2003

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 204
ISBN : 9781414015552

About the Book

The book is a historical prospective of the first 10 years of the Harris County Aquatic Program.  The text focuses on the origin, organizational structure, and program highlights.  It is written in such a way that it may serve as a how to guide for other similar, developing youth sports organizations.

The book also provides compelling evidence about the ability of Black swimmers to compete at elite levels of competition.  Many myths about their swimming capabilities are dispelled.  The book begins by describing the authors introduction to competitive swimming and the opportunities opened to him during his childhood and early teens and end with recent accomplishments of HCAP participants.

Highlights of the program’s accomplishments begin with a description of the team’s performance in the “Pepsi Games of Texas.”  It is a stroke-by-stroke replay of four swimmers representing Harris County and their collective performances as they try to win a state relay competition in summer of 1993.  Other highlights include competition in the first USS meet, major achievements of program goals and individual accomplishments.

The book ends by describing major accomplishments of former participants, and the programs’ quest to continue providing opportunities to inner city minority youth.

About the Author

In more than 35 years Dr. Thurman W. Robins has been a participant, coach and administrator of sports and athletic programs.  As a participant he was captain of his high school swimming team three years.  He was also captain of his collegiate team his senior year.  He earned NAIA All-American status his junior year.

He began his professional career as Aquatic Director for the South Central YMCA and coached their swimming team for two years.  He taught and coached several sports including swimming in the Houston Independent School District for twelve years. 

He has worked at Texas Southern University for the past 25 years where he served as Director of Athletics on two separate occasions.  For the past eight years he has served as Professor and Chairperson for the Health and Kinesiology department.

Prior to the formation of HCAP, Dr. Robins was instrumental in helping the City of Houston Parks and Recreation department develop a competitive swimming program and served as its director and coordinator for its first seven years.

Dr. Robins along with Harris County Commissioner El Franco Lee and Johnnie Means formed the Harris County Aquatic Program in 1991.  Robins and Means served as co head coaches/consultants to the program until Robins’ departure in 2002.