Act Like A Man

A Collection of Plays Starring The Average Adult Male

by Jeremey W. Gingrich



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 17/11/2003

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 300
ISBN : 9781414001234
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 300
ISBN : 9781414001258

About the Book

This is a collection of plays concerning how the average man deals with average problems. In the first short play, a man tries all methods possible to get out of a serious marriage conversation with his girlfriend.

Following that, two friends at a dog-track try to cope with the revelation that one has slept with the other’s wife. This serious problem demands a serious, adult solution, which these two grown men are incapable of deriving.

The next insert, a two-act performance, is another tale of two immature men--two confirmed bachelors. One of the bachelors threatens to leave the brotherhood, and dares to tread the waters of adult relationships after meeting an interesting and attractive woman. The other bachelor tries to talk him out of it, and tears down the entire system along the way.

And finally, the last play concerns a man’s long drive to his best friend’s wedding. As he drives, his opinions of the institution of marriage constantly change, and he debates whether or not to stop the wedding.

Though these men seem plagued with anxiety, they somehow manage to have fun with their troubling situations, which makes them amusing to watch, read and perform.

About the Author

Jeremey Gingrich was born in Germany and has lived in many exotic locales since. He’s hung his hat in Spain, New Jersey, Virginia, and Canton, Georgia, just to name a few. His family is scattered all about the country as well, with roots in Kentucky, Texas and California. Gingrich spent his college years at the United States Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs and acted as Assistant Coach for their Division 1 College Basketball team following graduation. He is currently an officer in the Air Force, living in Columbia, South Carolina. Jeremey continues to write numerous plays, and the occasional novel, and he is active in community theatre, with acting credits at Columbia’s Town Theatre and Workshop Theatre.