Rooms and Doorways

by Mark Tate



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 07/05/2004

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 112
ISBN : 9781410797834

About the Book

Who has not been unhappy in love?  In Lyrical and Critical Essays, Albert Camus writes “. . . I know of times and places where happiness can seem so bitter that we prefer the promise of it.  But this is because at such times or places I had not heart enough to love – that is, to persevere in love . . .”

Rooms And Doorways is a book of love poems (with Italian translations by Adriana Seri) that visits such times and places.  The author finds through doorways heart enough to love.  These  poems call one to persevere in love, to find rooms for one’s loving.

About the Author

Mark Tate traveled in the Northwest, riding a bicycle to Canada and back from his home in California.  He has also traveled by train in Europe.  He has received awards from Sebastopol Center for the arts and is the 2003 winner for flash fiction from on-line site, “Doorknobs And Bodypaint.” His work has been featured at Zebulon’s Livewire, on KRCB radio, and at the Healdsburg Literary Salon.  His first book of poems, Pommes De Terre, was published by 1st Books in 2001, followed by his second, Surliex, in 2002 available from 1st Books Library.