by Rob Solarion



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 26/01/2004

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 220
ISBN : 9781414008066
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 220
ISBN : 9781414008073

About the Book

“There is a mill which grinds by itself, swings of itself, and scatters the dust a hundred versts away.  And there is a golden pole with a golden cage on top which is also the Nail of the North.  And there is a very wise tomcat which climbs up and down this pole.  When he climbs down, he sings songs; and when he climbs up, he tells tales.”  Legend of the Ostyaks of the Siberian Irtysh River Valley

The “Winged Disk” and the “Thunderbird” are identical symbols, and they are found all over the world, particularly in the Northern Hemisphere, with the Christian Cross being the symbol’s latest incarnation.  Such identical symbols could not have just spontaneously originated in so many different cultures and languages.  These images therefore obviously refer to something that was visible in the Heavens to all the people of North America, Europe, the Middle East and Asia.  It is the purpose of this book to identify this heavenly object.

 “And they do not know the future mystery, or understand ancient matters.  And they do not know what is going to happen to them, and they will not save their souls from the future mystery.”  The Dead Sea Scrolls

About the Author

Rob Solàrion became interested in “catastrophism and ancient history” in 1972 and avidly pursued the ideas of Dr. Immanuel Velikovsky.  He became an adherent of the “Velikovskian School”; but following the death of Dr. Velikovsky in November 1979, this “school” fractured into smaller, often rival groups.  After a hiatus from 1980 through 1993, Rob became fascinated by the books of Zecharia Sitchin concerning Planet X Nibiru and made the assumption, now shared by many, that the “cosmic cataclysm” described by Velikovsky was caused by the “comet-planet” of Sitchin.  Subsequently Rob developed his theory of “The Cosmic Tree” by integrating these ideas with those of Giorgio de Santillana and Hertha von Dechend in Hamlet’s Mill, creating his unique theory of “The Cosmic Tree”.