Story of the Talking Bones

by James Penning



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/01/2004

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 284
ISBN : 9781414013589

About the Book

This is a story about a modern day hunter that is hunting in a strange area, even though he hunted the Black Hills for over thirty years.  During this hunt, he comes across burnt foundations and 5 graves.  These stones have his relation names on them with the date of death all on the same day.  He finds a skeleton nearby that he uncovers and says, “If only these bones could talk!”

It goes back to 1866 through what happens, causing these deaths.  It goes to 1877 and tells how the Davey is adopted.  It follows the lives through the Deadwood gold discovery days.  He and Russ have a ranch partnership and the story shows problems and events involved in ranching, and Indian problems.  Many things happen, building friendships, also facing perils in those days.  It explains the deaths of the family and finally uncovers the murderous deed and those responsible.  It’s based on historical facts, no one is written about without their permission.  If it does cover anything or anyone, it is unintentional.

I have written this book based on Christian background, without any swearing or sex, so it is readable for all ages.

About the Author

Jim was born in 1930 and lived through the depression with his folks and 2 brothers.  Completing High School he went 2 years to a trade school.  He was the Sports Editor for his school paper, editor on board ship going across to Korea and always wanted to write

He is a Korean combat veteran, 4 battle stars.  After the war he spent nine years in the National Guard, which he says, gave men better training than the Army.  He is married and has 2 children.  Active in his church, he taught Sunday school 27 years, 8 years.  First time publishing a book.