

Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 15/05/2004

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 500
ISBN : 9781418410162

About the Book

Invasions – Goering’s Panzers and Luftwaffe – an exploding volcano –whores and pimps – VD – the first penicillin – “pros” and short arm inspections – the history of syphilis – terror and romance – amateur obstetrics – hijacking a British whiskey ship – grand opera – starvation – typhus – black markets – a plague of locusts – a Moroccan orgy – Blood and Guts Patton –the Anzio Beachhead and Anzio Annie.

This is the tale of a “rear echelon bastard” who was not always in the rear. He learned the tough trade of unloading ships in Casablanca under professional stevedores who disliked college boys. He marveled at the amount of stuff it took to supply an American army: tanks, jeeps and locomotives, thousands of bombs and other high explosives, cases of maps (all marked “top secret”, cases of condoms, complete hospitals, typewriters and paper clips, mules and mule shoes.

In Naples in the winter of 1943 he witnessed starvation, disease and widespread whoring, devastating air raids, the stink of poverty and widespread despair. He wondered at the toughness of the Neapolitans, their love of opera and their skills in thievery and survival.

He won a lottery for Stateside leave. Then VE day intervened and the Army changed his orders to the Pacific! He stalled that with an emergency leave to get married. During the honeymoon the A-bomb was dropped and he was discharged from the Army in time to start medical school.

About the Author

After graduating from the University of Michigan he was inducted into the U.S. Army. Which for some mysterious reason classified this skinny college boy as a stevedore. He worked the docks of Casablanca, Algiers, Palermo and Naples unloading everything from bombs to tanks, mules and condoms. In the invasion of Sicily he manned a machine gun where Goering’s Panzers and Luftwaffe influenced him to swap it for a medical kit. He remained a medic -  and a stevedore – throughout the Italian campaign.

He became the inspector of a whorehouse in a suburb of Naples, where he also witnessed an eruption of Vesuvius, helped hijack a British ship loaded with booze. In a bombed-out building in Naples he delivered his first baby. He made numerous trips to the Anzio Beachhead where he polished his skills as a medic, stevedore and Duck driver.

After two and a half years overseas he was sent home on R and R. He was in the States when VE Day came and was then given orders for the Far East. He managed to delay that by getting married and was on his honeymoon when the first A-bomb was dropped.

He went to medical school on the GI Bill and then rejoined the army and served as an orthopaedic surgeon during the Korean and Vietnam Wars. He retired from the army as Colonel and entered private practice in orthopaedic and hand surgery. Now retired from practice he is a Clinical Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery at Yale. He is happily married and lives in Fairfield, Connecticut.