The Poetry Book

by Wm. Josepf Cardwell



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 01/07/2004

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 188
ISBN : 9781418449575

About the Book

Recently I ran into a poetry book.  It had several authors names on it.  It cost a penny not ready to be given up.  It was rich in brutality.  It was as common as children and dirt.  It thrilled its reader’s because its readers were criminals.  The edition even included maps to keep the inferior races from overshooting their islands.  And printed on paper so fine its movement through whispers did cleanse the tears of the weak of heart.  Let me take from this poetry, its opening --

In the beginning -
But that would be plagiarism. 

Let us caution such theft, and make for ourselves - poetry – made of true
  Life, Death, and Love --

In the end,

Existence-in-play is the world

The world divides between the poem & disaster

The privilege of disaster is oblivion:
  the vanishment of humanity
  the abyss of the void

The privilege of man is Poetry wherein heart’s hunger experiments with life

The balance of life is called Fate

Fate is only fate that avoids the disequilibria of love

For Love experiments with Life 

What Love represents is Sense 

What Sense represents is poetry in humankind 

For if there is no thing poetic of man,
  then whether a proposition has sense, or has none,
  remains irrelevant

Without poetry, the power of Irrelevant propositions can kill

About the Author

The author has a degree in Physics with a minor in mathematics. He has worked in a variety of fields both technical and non-technical. He currently works as an Information Systems Analyst for the State of California.